Special Projects

nonprofit healthcare organizations Projects


In the Works

While we consider all of our projects special, our Healthy Kids project is one of the coolest

We hope to inspire kids and youth to not only learn about, but to be the creative drivers of an initiative to enhance the health of kids around the world. Read on.

Healthy Kids 2028

What if we empower children and youth to not only learn about their health, but to maximize their health status and do so in a fun and engaging way that lets them be the main drivers of the project? Can you imagine kids in Ecuador teaching handwashing to kids in Kenya and those in India learning about oral health, and the local culture, from youth in Bolivia? Let's make it happen.

Click on the image above
to see our project presentation

Think about this:

What kind of impact can we make?

Our projects can use a variety of talents - from educators to creatives and health professionals to translators. Come take part, in person or from home, in the way you feel suits you best. You choose your role and together we can make an even larger positive impact.